The short story, The Three Pigs is closely tied with the famous fable, The Three Little Pigs. The story has different features to the pigs such as being more mature than being little piglets. However, the idea amongst the pigs and wolf are still the same. In the story, you can play as the pigs, being chased by the wolf. You will experience all point-of-views from each pig as the story goes on. You can experience yourself trying to run away as far as you can, or you could deceive the wolf into your favor. From the lazy pig to the sophisticated and hardworking pig, this short story offers more meaning than it shows.


Playing as the pigs is not the only thing this story offers, but you have the freedom to choose to play as a wolf; a wolf that lurks and uses his ability to blow right through those pesky pigs’ houses. Although, you would have to face hard choices that could highlight your greatest flaw just to get your best rewards. 

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